Final Year VLSI Projects 2015 – 2016


Vlsi comes there square measure 2 differing styles of Final year 2015 and 2016 ieee undertaking centers potentialities specially is available in vlsi primarily based system fashion and vlsi fashion itself. Maximum students don’t perceive the difference between the two, but there is a certainly essential difference between the 2. Is available in vlsi fashion square degree comes that adjust the semiconductor fashion, these square measure most often than no longer completely restricted to simulation and square measure terribly difficult and excessive-ticket to enforce as actual time comes.
Projects in vlsi based totally gadget style rectangular measure comes that contain the appearance of varied styles of virtual structures that can be enforced on a pld tool kind of a fpga or a cpld. For instance the look of a encoder, decoder or a alu and so on rectangular degree virtual system styles that may be enforced on a fpga. 2015 2016 ieee undertaking centers chennai similar digital structures, but of a additional superior nature may be enforced as a final year assignment in vlsi. Those may be supported any of the favored excessive-density lipoprotein languages like vhdl or verilog. Every vhdl comes and verilog comes rectangular degree practical selections for comes.

Final Year VLSI Title List


 A Modified Partial Product Generator for Redundant Binary Multipliers

 An Efficient Hardware Implementation of Canny Edge Detection Algorithm

 Approximate Radix-8 Booth Multipliers for Low-Power and High-Performance Operation

 A High-Performance FIR Filter Architecture for Fixed and Reconfigurable Applications

 The Serial Commutator (SC) FFT

 An Improved Signed Digit Representation Approach for Constant Vector Multiplication

 High-Speed and Energy-Efficient Carry Skip Adder Operating Under a Wide Range of Supply Voltage Levels

 A New XOR-Free Approach for Implementation of Convolutional Encoder

 Energy and Area Efficient Three-Input XOR/XNORs With Systematic Cell Design Methodology

 Approximate Radix-8 Booth Multipliers for Low-Power and High-Performance Operation

 Implementation of a PID control PWM Module on FPGA

 Built-in Self Testing of FPGAs

 An FPGA-Based Cloud System for Massive ECG Data Analysis

 Distributed Sensor Network-on-Chip for Performance Optimization of Soft-Error-Tolerant Multiprocessor System-on-Chip

 VLSI Implementation of Fully Parallel LTE Turbo Decoders

 A High Throughput List Decoder Architecture For Polar Codes

 High-Performance NB-LDPC Decoder With Reduction of Message Exchange

 A High-Speed FPGA Implementationof an RSD-Based ECC Processor

 Low-Power ECG-Based Processor forPredicting Ventricular Arrhythmia

 In-Field Test for Permanent Faults in FIFO Buffers of NoC Routers

 Configurable Parallel Hardware Architecture forEfficient Integral Histogram Image Computing

 Input-Based Dynamic Reconfiguration of Approximate Arithmetic Units for Video Encoding

 A Normal I/O Order Radix-2 FFT Architecture to ProcessTwin Data Streams for MIMO

 Unequal-Error-Protection Error Correction Codes for theEmbedded Memories in Digital Signal Processors

 A High-Performance FIR Filter Architecture forFixed and Reconfigurable Applications

 Hybrid LUT/Multiplexer FPGA Logic Architectures

 A Dynamically Reconfigurable Multi-ASIP Architecture forMultistandard and Multimode Turbo Decoding

 Low-Power Split-Radix FFT Processors Using Radix-2 Butterfly Units

 A Fully Digital Front-End Architecture for ECGAcquisition System With 0.5 V Supply

 A Low-cost and Modular Receiver for MIMO SDR

 High-Speed, Low-Power, and Highly Reliable Frequency Multiplier for DLL-Based Clock Generator

 Frequency-Boost Jitter Reduction forVoltage-Controlled Ring Oscillators

 Low-Energy Power-ON-Reset Circuit for Dual Supply SRAM

 Low-Power Variation-Tolerant Nonvolatile Lookup Table Design

 A Low-Power Robust Easily CascadedPentaMTJ-Based Combinational and Sequential Circuits

 A 0.1–3.5-GHz Duty-Cycle Measurement andCorrection Technique in 130-nm CMOS

 Full-Swing Local Bitline SRAM ArchitectureBased on the 22-nm FinFET Technology for Low-Voltage Operation

 A Robust Energy/Area-Efficient Forwarded-ClockReceiver With All-Digital Clock and Data Recovery in 28-nm CMOS for High-Density Interconnects

 OTA-Based Logarithmic Circuit for ArbitraryInput Signal and Its Application

 A Single-Ended With Dynamic Feedback Control8T Subthreshold SRAM Cell

 Graph-Based Transistor Network GenerationMethod for Supergate Design

 Implementing Minimum-Energy-Point SystemsWith Adaptive Logic

 A 0.52/1 V Fast Lock-in ADPLL for Supporting DynamicVoltage and Frequency Scaling